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vi-Quick Reference

Exit Commands

ZZ Write (save) and quit file
:x Write (save) and quit file
:wq Write (save) and quit file
:w Write (save) file
:w! Write (save) file (overriding protection)
:30,60w newfile Write from line 30 through line 60 as newfile
:30,60w>> file Write from line 30 through line 60 and append to file
:w %. new Write current buffer named file as file.new
:q Quit file
:q! Quit file (overriding protection)
Q Quit vi and invoke ex
:e file2 Edit file2 without leaving vi
:n Edit next file
:e! Return to version of current file at time of last write (save)
:e#Edit alternate file
%Current filename
#Alternate filename

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